Wednesday, March 4, 2009

P90X (Ouch!)

I am beginning a new workout program thanks to my loving husband who is so supportive. We have built a schedule that will end the day before his birthday. Now, if I look as ripped as some of these girls in the videos at the end of 90 days, wow! But I almost believe it is possible because... I HURT!!! I mean really bad. (whine) We are supposed to do this for 90 days. Workout an hour a day for 90 days. I'll give it a try. I have taken the before pics and if nothing else, that motivated me. I have never had to diet or boost my energy but for the last 3 years I am exhausted. And I cannot believe the changes my poor body has gone through. THis is not for everyone. But I used to be hardcore workout girl. In my early 20's, I had more muscle than most guys I knew. Yeah, I just needed to run with people in better shape. Well, I am ready to do this again. I can change. I want to change. I want to feel strong.

1 comment:

  1. You go girl!! We were doing that at church 3 nights a week..........that was enough!!! We've missed you on Tuesday nights. Glad to see you blogging again, but how did you get your arms & fingers to work-----oh wait, you've just started P90X. I love you!!
