Wednesday, March 4, 2009

P90X (Ouch!)

I am beginning a new workout program thanks to my loving husband who is so supportive. We have built a schedule that will end the day before his birthday. Now, if I look as ripped as some of these girls in the videos at the end of 90 days, wow! But I almost believe it is possible because... I HURT!!! I mean really bad. (whine) We are supposed to do this for 90 days. Workout an hour a day for 90 days. I'll give it a try. I have taken the before pics and if nothing else, that motivated me. I have never had to diet or boost my energy but for the last 3 years I am exhausted. And I cannot believe the changes my poor body has gone through. THis is not for everyone. But I used to be hardcore workout girl. In my early 20's, I had more muscle than most guys I knew. Yeah, I just needed to run with people in better shape. Well, I am ready to do this again. I can change. I want to change. I want to feel strong.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Last Few Days

Well, I turn 36 on the 19th of January. So I guess these are my official last days in the last 35 years of my life. I hope this doesn't sound cheesy but, I LOVE MY LIFE! These 35 years have been incredible! I wouldn't change one day or even one experience. Ultimately we are the sum of all we have learned in these years on Earth. God has brought me through some pretty amazing times and taught me lessons I couldn't have learned otherwise. I am walking into this new part of life with gusto. I want to try more, care more and do more for others than I tried, cared or did in the last 35 years. I want to grow and keep growing, challenging myself. I want to finally grow up. Well, maybe not. I want to love God deeper and more true than ever. I want to be comfortable with me, that I am and, I am growing to be, who God intended me to be. This sounds like a new years resolution. I guess really, it's a New Me Resolution! The next 35 years look promising.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Wow, I feel inadequate!

I have been browsing some other blogs today. Even some of my friends blogs. Everyone seems to have such a good grasp of their blogs! Some are eloquent and others are just so interesting I got sucked in. All I have is me. Nothing fancy or frilly. I am not that kind of person.

Every Tuesday at WIBI we have time for prayer. It's one of the things I love about working here. Today our prayer leader spoke of a story that helped me once again understand that in my inadequacies, God can work His powers.

She told of a mom who took her young son (7yrs old) to a professional piano concert. While sitting and waiting for the concert to begin, mom became absorbed in her program only to look up and see her sons chair empty. She stood up to look around when suddenly a remedial version of chopsticks began to flow from the spotlighted grand piano on the stage. To her shock, there was her son playing the keys with one finger from each hand. The audience began saying, "get him off the stage!" But out of the wings came a voice of authority. "Stay there, son." And the pianist walked onto the stage and sat beside the boy. Together they played so many versions of chopsticks, the little boy with one finger from each hand, and the pianist, flowering each note with elegance. The audience gave a standing ovation. This is what God can do with our remedial tries. He can come along side and flower in some elegance. Thank you, God!

Monday, December 29, 2008

So I begin today!

I was thinking about everything that goes into pulling off a family Christmas. It reminds me of a wedding, you put months and months worth of prep into it only to have the whole event last 20 minutes. I minimized my wedding but I was the only one who noticed, well, and my parents pocket book. But how do you minimize Christmas? If you accomplished this and had a great celebration, please, advise the rest of us who are still explaining to the kids that less doesn't mean they were bad kids.

This is my first attempt at blogging so I am sorry if I seem very random and unfocused. Well, actually, that would give you a true look into my mind! Who would have ever thought we would want to post our diaries on the internet for the entire world to see. Times have changed alot since the days of my little blue Garfield diary that snapped shut. Wow, I would have been devastated if anyone read it and now look. I am inviting everyone to read and even comment. Brave.

I have decided today that I will not be making any New Years Resolutions. Who's with me? I mean, seriously, I never keep them. I figure I'll just start out without any expectations and see what this new year has in store.

Well, I think that will do it for my first post! Let me know what's on your mind! Beware though, it may end up on the radio...


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Venture into the unknown

Good day! This is a new adventure for me, someone who is not quite a tech savvy person. Just a sample post today.