Monday, December 29, 2008

So I begin today!

I was thinking about everything that goes into pulling off a family Christmas. It reminds me of a wedding, you put months and months worth of prep into it only to have the whole event last 20 minutes. I minimized my wedding but I was the only one who noticed, well, and my parents pocket book. But how do you minimize Christmas? If you accomplished this and had a great celebration, please, advise the rest of us who are still explaining to the kids that less doesn't mean they were bad kids.

This is my first attempt at blogging so I am sorry if I seem very random and unfocused. Well, actually, that would give you a true look into my mind! Who would have ever thought we would want to post our diaries on the internet for the entire world to see. Times have changed alot since the days of my little blue Garfield diary that snapped shut. Wow, I would have been devastated if anyone read it and now look. I am inviting everyone to read and even comment. Brave.

I have decided today that I will not be making any New Years Resolutions. Who's with me? I mean, seriously, I never keep them. I figure I'll just start out without any expectations and see what this new year has in store.

Well, I think that will do it for my first post! Let me know what's on your mind! Beware though, it may end up on the radio...



  1. Couldn't agree with you more on the New Year's resolutions! If we don't start ourselves out with expectations then we can just be excited when we discover how we have been blessed, instead of being distraught over how we have failed. Whatever God has for us is so much better than what we can even imagine.
    Glad to see that you have started a blog! I am up this early today because it is my daughter's 11th birthday and she made me promise to wake her up in time to hear her name on the Kids Club birthday's. She told me last night that she "didn't want to miss hearing just how Lori would say it."
    Happy New Year - Expectation Free!!
    Melynda Frederick

  2. down-sizing Christmas? No such thing!! That would be down-sizing Christ!! He IS the reason for the's past time to get back to that! Ever give much thought to God's hand in ALL that is "going on" with the world right now? I feel Him working deep in my soul! He's allowing us (the world/our flesh) free-reign..AND, when "we" can't handle the "mess" we've made, He will & IS there to pick us up/cadle us/encourage us/forgive us, & yes love us! Amazing? Absolutely! That's GOD!!

    Let's down-size commercialism...let's SUPER-size God!! LORD move me...use me....I'm yours!!

    See Lori, my beautiful, you aren't the only one who is "all over the map" with thoughts!! You go girl.....I love you!!!
